This episode aims to clarify common anti-inflammatory diet misconceptions.
Main Points:
Point 1: "Budget-Friendly Anti-Inflammatory Eating"
Krissy dispels the myth that anti-inflammatory diets are expensive.
Emphasizes the importance of affordable, whole foods.
Discusses the EWG's Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 lists for smart shopping.
Encourages budget-conscious choices while prioritizing wholesome foods.
Point 2: "Processed Foods & Inflammation"
Krissy shares her personal journey of overcooking and the myth that all processed foods are inflammatory.
Clarifies that not all packaged foods are harmful to an anti-inflammatory diet.
Advises checking ingredient lists for clean, non-inflammatory options.
Encourages practicality in everyday cooking.
Point 3: "Balanced Anti-Inflammatory Living"
Krissy debunks the myth of depriving oneself of favorite foods.
Discusses the negative impact of food-centered deprivation and stress.
Promotes a balanced approach to incorporate beloved foods into an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
Encourages enhancing favorite dishes with a mix of nutrients.
Krissy concludes by summarizing key takeaways.
Shares her personal journey and its impact on her health.
Reassures listeners that anti-inflammatory living is practical and affordable.
Encourages informed choices and finding a harmonious balance between health and happiness in dietary choices.
Links mentioned in the episode - find the clean 15 list and the dirty dozen